Visit Chris Coubrough in Norfolk
Explore our recipes and films with chef Chris Coubrough
Royal Greenland has teamed up with chef Chris Coubrough and asked him to developed a series of recipes dedicated to enhance and embrace all of the culinary qualities of the delicate seafood from The North Atlantic.
Royal Greenland teamed up with Chris Coubrough to create a series of stunning dishes featuring some of our favourite seafood to see, what kind of magic Chris could do with our seafood and his cooking talent.
The result is a series of recipes and films featuring some of our high quality seafood, perfectly matched with ingredients to deliver a complete flavour experience.
Dive into the recipes developed with Chris here!
A little about Chris
Coming from a large, isolated farming background in the North Island of New Zealand, Chris' passion, understanding and knowledge grew naturally. Chris explains:
"Being part of my family meant, that the natural way of life meant that we grew, nurtured and butchered everything we put on the table. Today I still have the same enthusiasm to create wholesome food using only the best ingredients, whilst combining them with inspirations I have picked up during my travels around the world.
Chris Coubrough was born in New Zealand in 1971 and with a career in many of the best kitchens, Chris has a proven track record of high standards for quality in his kitchen.
My travels to Greenland has fuelled my passion for cooking great seafood and together with Royal Greenland I have developed this series of recipes, especially designed for the delicate and flavourful fish and shellfish of the North Atlantic."